Sunday 2 August 2015

A Guide To Spot A Cheater

Do you ever sometimes sit back and consider the past? And think what the hell was I doing and why do I let people make me feel a certain way? Most of you who don’t know me – or at least not very well will know I am an absolute sucker when it comes to having a happy ending. 

Or I try to be one of these girls but time after time after time I start seeing guys and well put it nicely they’ve all cheated on me (boohoo I’m over that part). Now thinking about it the signs are all there and let me share what I’ve learnt to pick up certain characteristics of a cheater! (Not all will apply but this is just the common things I have noticed in my involvements:-

1.       They tend to not care about your feelings and will give you vague answers to your questions. For example, “what have you been up too today?” “Ah nothing”

2.       Usually they are secretive about what they are doing and how they are spending their time etc.

3.       Do they text or call anyone in front of you? Where you can see their screens? – THIS ISN'T necessarily a huge sign and I respect privacy but if they walk away from you or only open their text’s in the bathroom then yeah.. ask..

4.       Most likely they will tell you what you want to hear – false promises the lot! “I’m only seeing you” or “I’ll buy you that”

5.       If they've cheated in their past relationships – uhh very likely they will cheat again. My advice,


6.       Have you met their friends? Yeah.. almost certainly if they were serious with you and not meeting any other people they’d show you off to their friends (unless there is a genuine reason)

7.       Cheaters tend to be well groom: all of my ex’s have been obsessed with how their hair looks! One generally used more hair spray than me

8.       Presumably they we’re already in another relationship when they started texting/talking/dating you. You we’re probably unaware but if you ever find this out once again my advice to you is to


9.       You feel as though they are hiding something – you can't explain it and you are just probably being paranoid right? If you feel that way – ask. You will know from their response if they are lying or not just by facial expression.. 

But there must have been a reason why you clicked on this post eh?

I am aware that all of these can be common, and some sound silly but these are just characteristics which I noticed between my ex’s, if you've got more than four then maybe it’s time you and your partner had a chat. 

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