Friday 14 August 2015

The Calm App

You may or may have not heard of it, but it’s an app you can download on your smart/ IPhone which teaches you how to clear your mind through meditation- which I think is pretty cool. So when you first register, you receive four different scenes. Personally, I choose the beach one mostly because going to the beach is one of my favourite things and plus the rain sound one just made me want to go to the toilet loads.  However there are twenty-three different scenes you can download as well.

 Anyway, I'm only doing the first the first 21 days because after that you have to start paying roughly £7.00 a month and even though I think the app is good – I do not want to pay that much however the benefits does seem lovely.  (Mediations specifically for things like deep sleep or confidence or even compassion.) Although on the 21 days programme it does give me an alarm to do my two minute sessions which I think is useful because I am rubbish at remembering things!

Now what does calm even do? Well you can Select between a 2, 10, or 20 minute periods and A speaker then walks you through getting comfortable by telling you to close your eyes, relax your shoulders, focus on your chest, notice sensation and to concentrate on your breathing – it use to make me feel dizzy at first but the more I did it, the better it got; also it tells you off when your mind starts wondering! I kid, it just tells you its ok and to focus back on your breathing and to let those thoughts float away!

Benefits of calm for me personally? So far, I feel less stressed and my concentration has improved. Since doing this, I stop panicking about the little things as much and letting my mind wonder in to dangerous territory – and the way I think about other people’s opinions… Well yeah that’s changed too. However, these weren't drastic change and they have taken time. So my recommendation is that you download this app for the free part – I have been told there is not much difference when you pay but it’s definitely worth ago!

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