Thursday 15 October 2015

Dealing With A Break Up

So we’ve all been there where we’ve had our heartbroken. When the relationship where you thought you’d be together forever or a lot longer than what you did at least! And hey, it’s pretty sucky when it ends.

Recently, one of my close friends has lost his girlfriend after a few years and all he has done is asked ‘How do you get over it as soon as possible?’ and well I guess there is no real answer to this question.. Time is a healer but there are so many ways to deal with it.

The way I deal with it, will not help everyone – but hey ho it may help someone!

Firstly I get angry, I get mad that I wasted so much time on one human being (this may not be the healthiest start but it’s an initial reaction which I can’t help. And it’s ok to get mad) then I cry and reflect on the good things. Stupid stuff about how we first met, when we first kissed etc.

Then I get hurt – some people may write a list, some people may write a diary – I personally create a mind map of everything, everything which hurt and everything which was good and then I rip it up. I accept that it’s over and that it’s gone – and as sad as that is I move on.

I then block the person (this isn’t a fixed thing normally). It all depends why we broke up. But I avoid speaking to the person until I’m ready- It’s better to keep a distance. I spend most of my alone time mailing my friends about my love for food or just send ugly snapchats to my friends, then eventually I leave my house and socialise – Although sometimes I may just watch romcoms and eat Ben and Jerry's.

My recommendation is after a relationship don’t go out and get drunk to not think about it because at 2am you’ll end up ringing the idiot asking where it all went wrong. (I have seen way to many of my friends do this- and sleeping with a random stranger doesn’t help either – So I have been told anyway)

Then after a while, accept that you two won’t get back together and that is ok. Because for a short while – you were happy and so was the other person and sometimes some people never get to be that happy. Then appreciate all the good times you had together but don’t go back. You ended for a reason. But it’s ok to be sad,angry and hurt but you have to allow yourself to move on to be happy. 

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