Friday 26 June 2015

My First Year of Uni

Since I've seen a lot of people on my twitter newsfeed freaking out about results day. It made me reflect to this time last year and even though I cannot say much because what I was like this time last year was horrendous but as cliche as it sounds everything happens for a reason. 
So results day can go one of three ways - 1. YOU ARE MEGA FREAKING HAPPY 
                                                                   2. meh it's okay 
                                                                   3. FML 
Now, I didn't get in to my first choice of University (by one mark) but by results day I was just so relieved that I got into Uni I didn't care where I was - even though it turned out to be one of the best decisions (which wasn't actually my choice) of my entire life (so far). 
So anyway, I got in to my second choice and surly the people who didn't get in too this uni there would be room in halls right? nope wrong. So the day after results day, me and my dad started to panic because I never actually seen this uni! I just went of with what people told me (well that could have been a disaster!) anyway,whilst there I found out that all halls we're full and that I had to go to this event called 'House Hunting' which was so unbelievably stressful and sadly my parents had used their time off and couldn't come with me - on my own I went and to my surprise there were loads of students in my position. However something which school didn't prepare me for was how to interact with other people but luckily for me, I sat down by someone whilst filling my details in who was doing the same course as me! so we started to speak, then in the actual talk that they gave us they made us all interact. (What a life saver!) We formed a group quickly and then started to look for a house - we spent all day and let me tell you it was not easy and unbelievably stressful! Anyway, two of the girls dropped out and it became the three of us and we managed to get a house after two days. 

I can tell you now, school does not prepare you for your own house and how much money you have to pay before it. And it was so weird, however not living in halls had it's benefits. I actually had to talk to people in freshers and then tagged along to people's pre-drinks. I surprisingly made more friends living in a house than not - but this took time. In November/December time I became really down. I only lived with two other girls who travelled a lot to go back home or seeing their boyfriends. I used to hate coming home and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go on to my second year, I couldn't even be bothered to do my work. However, in one of my modules we had to do group work which meant I was interacting more with other students and then around February time after I came home from Christmas, Things got better because I got to know my course mates well and I started going out with them outside of uni and seeing more people! Me and one of my housemates started spending each night watching films and eating chocolate and unloading of each other. Things started to get better until my house contracted ended and I needed to move on from my house. 

Halls: So most people begin halls being in the same boat as each other, no-one knowing anyone. However me, I was intruding on these guys. I was absolutely terrified if they would hate me or well any negative feelings towards me! I moved in on the last day of February and for the first week, I hid as much as I could. Although you have to make food sometimes right? And that's when I started speaking to one of my flatmates who has now become one of my best friends in such a short time! after 4/5 days of having 20 minute conversation with her, whilst I had a few I knocked on her door and asked if she wanted to go to the SU that night - sadly she rejected me (owch) but then she asked me out on the Friday, which I am so glad I went out! Then came the next SU and I met someone from the flat opposite us, he then asked me to come out and I was going through stuff at the time so I was like "fuck it yeah" and that's where I met the males of my flat - however being the only girl out had it's benefits - FREE SHOTS! From then on in Easter time I was close to the boys and that one girl - then the next night I became close to the girls whilst having a film night and basically in a short amount of time living with these people - well they didn't treat me like an outsider, they were welcoming and now I am as close with them as I am with other people.

So If you're panicking about your results and worried about not getting into the 'right' uni. Trust me it may be the best thing that happens to you if you don't.

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