Monday 8 June 2015

Top Four Lame Excuses Partners Use as an Excuse to Cheat.

Right, I am not down with people cheating on their loved ones. Cheating is selfish, cowardly and god damn hurtful. Yet, in today's society cheating is becoming more of a regular thing and sometimes the relationship can be fixed but on times but seriously if you're partner has used these lines on you. Seriously, get the fuck out of there and run. 

  1. "It just happened" - What even is this excuse? It's clear that it happened! But your partner made the conscious decision to do it behind your back! It's not exactly like the cheater woke up and was like "Oh shit how did I get here?". They thought about it and still done it anyway.                                                                                                            
  2.  "She/He came on to me" - Oh that's nice for you. Sorry that you we're forced into it and just you know, couldn't say no                                                                                                                                                                   
  3. "I was scared of our relationship"    - Basically using the commitment card is just a stupid one. If you're that scared then you leave the relationship because maybe you're not in the right one.                                                                                    
  4. "I'm just not the type for relationships"  - Oh here's an idea, maybe don't get in one or become exclusive with a person and let them know beforehand so they don't have to waste their time with you?                                                                                                                          

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