Saturday 29 August 2015

20 Reasons Why ENFP Sucks

Have you ever wondered who you are? Recently, I’ve been feeling confused about life (happy thoughts I know) and I found it extremely difficult to know who I was without my labels. It’s been like I’ve been living the past few months in a trance. 

So I ended up spending my night on a personality test – now yes I am aware this doesn’t give me a whole load of answers but it definitely made me feel better, I’m not saying I now know who I am but I feel like there’s an explanation or some kind of understanding I now have with myself.

 Carl Jung created a theory about personality and there are 16 different types –  The first condition being Extraversion vs Introversion, the second is Sensing vs Intuition, the third is Thinking vs Feeling and lastly, Judging vs Perceiving.  In this psychological test I scored a ENFP characteristic trait.

So what does that mean? – Extraversion –Engaging with people, Intuition – perceiving new potential, Feelings – making choices based on my subject values/core beliefs and perception – which means I have a flexible life style (apparently). According to Wikipedia, characteristics with this personality trait such as being curious, easily bored, spontaneous, risk-takers, understanding and very emotional. 

Which does sound like me, then I read more about what I’m “supposedly” like in a relationship and what I’m like in a job and how I handle stress and so on.

I can tell you, there are so many advantages of having a ENFP personality trait but I am going to list you 20 reasons why it also sucks:
  1.        Having so many theories and idea’s and plans which you never follow through cause you’re completely unorganised!
  2.        Wanting to experience everything but being so impatient you just want to do it immediately
  3.        Never being 100% happy with everything because you keep contradicting yourself
  4.        Utterly  freaking out your friends and family because of how much you stress when things don’t match up to the plan in your head
  5.        People constantly accusing you of flirting
  6.        Shocking people about how strong your beliefs are because majority of time you are easy going
  7.        Getting bored 1000000000 times quicker than the average human being
  8.        Constantly sticking with bad relationships (not just partners) because you can see how things COULD be and you focus on that and not really focus on what things are like in reality
  9.        Forever forgetting to eat or get the right amount of sleep because eh who cares about your physical needs?
  10.   Wanting to be in social situations and meet people but also being very socially conscious!
  11.    For always working towards the goal of the ‘ideal self’ and not just being happy with who you are right this instant
  12.    Frequently being so impatient that if the bus is two minutes late then uh-oh!
  13.   Needing more alone time compared to other Extroverts but then getting bored after so much time
  14.     Being more than happy to get into a long distance relationship because the idea of the concept of love but not looking at the long term goal in things – so tends to go south!
  15.      When you’re relationship goes wrong, you forget that it’s a mutual thing and you tend to keep questioning why things went wrong and what would happen differently!
  16. Being accused that you're on drugs when you're not!
  17. Talking to yourself out loud because there is so much going on in your head you need to separate it.
  18. 99.99999% of the time you hate being told what to do!
  19. During some point in the week, you forget all social media/networks/mobile phones and switch of from the world. Sometimes you may not text anyone back for a few days! 
  20.    You hate being criticized and cannot stand it if someone else is being criticising to another person

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Cheers Amiga

I’m not the type of person to admit my feelings, like feelings are yucky. But lately, I’ve been feeling rather low and isolated and just been rubbish to be around. Sometimes when I get like that (well I’m sure we all feel like that sometimes)  I just feel like I annoy people, so I stop contact with people mostly cause I just feel annoying to be around or I like to see who actually cares and will bother to text or message me. Anyway, the past few days even when shit was going on something pretty sweet happened which made me not want to give up on humanity.
I received a DM of one of my twitter followers and it honestly made my day when I read what was said. I felt like crap and the fact that someone took the time out of the day to send this to me:-

Maybe it sounds dull that someone who I don't know manage to make my day go from a zero to a ten. But it was definitely needed, so to the person who messaged me this. Thank you so so so much for taking time out of your day to make sure I was ok and to tell me that I am important. Thank you for paying attention to a tweet which I didn't think anyone would even care about. And thank you for being a kind person and saying something and making me feel worth something again. - He/She was totally write though, I so would of kicked off about those memes! 

Friday 14 August 2015

The Calm App

You may or may have not heard of it, but it’s an app you can download on your smart/ IPhone which teaches you how to clear your mind through meditation- which I think is pretty cool. So when you first register, you receive four different scenes. Personally, I choose the beach one mostly because going to the beach is one of my favourite things and plus the rain sound one just made me want to go to the toilet loads.  However there are twenty-three different scenes you can download as well.

 Anyway, I'm only doing the first the first 21 days because after that you have to start paying roughly £7.00 a month and even though I think the app is good – I do not want to pay that much however the benefits does seem lovely.  (Mediations specifically for things like deep sleep or confidence or even compassion.) Although on the 21 days programme it does give me an alarm to do my two minute sessions which I think is useful because I am rubbish at remembering things!

Now what does calm even do? Well you can Select between a 2, 10, or 20 minute periods and A speaker then walks you through getting comfortable by telling you to close your eyes, relax your shoulders, focus on your chest, notice sensation and to concentrate on your breathing – it use to make me feel dizzy at first but the more I did it, the better it got; also it tells you off when your mind starts wondering! I kid, it just tells you its ok and to focus back on your breathing and to let those thoughts float away!

Benefits of calm for me personally? So far, I feel less stressed and my concentration has improved. Since doing this, I stop panicking about the little things as much and letting my mind wonder in to dangerous territory – and the way I think about other people’s opinions… Well yeah that’s changed too. However, these weren't drastic change and they have taken time. So my recommendation is that you download this app for the free part – I have been told there is not much difference when you pay but it’s definitely worth ago!

Friday 7 August 2015

It's 3am: So Let's Answer Some Questions!

  1. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? I have been called that yes by a few guys and girls however they were probably saying it too about 20 other girls so you know
  2. What song is stuck in your head? Are you with me and Cheerleader 
  3.  Wanna have kids before you're 30? I honestly have no idea anymore, the thought of having a baby absolutely terrifies me and I want to travel the world but if I can do all that before thirty then maybe but I can't see that happening.
  4.  Name something you have to do tomorrow? Go to Cardiff in the evening
  5. Can you whistle? Unfortunately no, my many attempts of wolf whistling has failed immensely 
  6.  Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? My side
  7.  Are your eyes the same colour as your mom's or dad's? My Mums mainly but I have heard that sometimes they can look like my dads and considering he has green eyes and I have blue eyes, well that is crazy.
  8.  Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes
  9.  Do you smile a lot? I use too so much when I was younger, I try to now but I think my face mostly looks miserable so no.
  10.  Are you happy with your life? I know that my life could be worse than what it is but nope, I have too many dreams and goals to try and achieve before I will be happy with it.
  11. Can you handle the truth? When people actually tell me the truth then yes, If I find out of other people then no.
  12.  Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday? My sleep is more up and down than a kangaroo on a trampoline, somedays I can get 12 hours and the next I can get 3 
  13. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Eating chocolate
  14. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Aaron
  15.  Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, just last month I had purple hair!
  16. Are you an emotional person? Well you know, I am a Cancer...  
  17.  What's something that can always make you feel better? I want to be sarcastic and say drugs but I know not everyone would find that amusing, probably my sad really
  18.  Look behind you, what do you see? A white wall
  19.  Any summer plans for 2015? I have pride if that counts as something?
  20.  What was the last thing you drank? Water
  21.  What did you do last night? I went to a spiritualist, Had a message of my dead nan so you know the usual stuff really.
  22.  Who was the last person to text you? George
  23. How many pillows do you normally sleep with? One
  24.  What kind of music do you listen to? A variety
  25.  Have you ever been in a car, that was not family? Yes!
  26.  Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? I have indeed and then I ended up hating them again
  27. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Last Summer
  28.  Are you a bad influence? I have been told that I am but I can't be that bad?
  29.  Ever slapped a guy in the face? Maybe you should talk to my ex's .. 
  30. Has someone ever given you roses? Yes
  31. Does anyone hate you? I wouldn't be shocked if they did
  32. Do you think two people can be in love with each other forever? Forever is an awfully long time, can I argue that they would probably love each other for the rest of their life? I don't think that feeling you had for that person would truly go away no.
  33.  Would you ever get a tattoo? Yes, I want so many!!!!!
  34. Are you comfortable with your height? Not at all, I would love to be taller. I mean I struggle to see things all the time because of it.
  35. What do you say during awkward silences? "So....."

Sunday 2 August 2015

A Guide To Spot A Cheater

Do you ever sometimes sit back and consider the past? And think what the hell was I doing and why do I let people make me feel a certain way? Most of you who don’t know me – or at least not very well will know I am an absolute sucker when it comes to having a happy ending. 

Or I try to be one of these girls but time after time after time I start seeing guys and well put it nicely they’ve all cheated on me (boohoo I’m over that part). Now thinking about it the signs are all there and let me share what I’ve learnt to pick up certain characteristics of a cheater! (Not all will apply but this is just the common things I have noticed in my involvements:-

1.       They tend to not care about your feelings and will give you vague answers to your questions. For example, “what have you been up too today?” “Ah nothing”

2.       Usually they are secretive about what they are doing and how they are spending their time etc.

3.       Do they text or call anyone in front of you? Where you can see their screens? – THIS ISN'T necessarily a huge sign and I respect privacy but if they walk away from you or only open their text’s in the bathroom then yeah.. ask..

4.       Most likely they will tell you what you want to hear – false promises the lot! “I’m only seeing you” or “I’ll buy you that”

5.       If they've cheated in their past relationships – uhh very likely they will cheat again. My advice,


6.       Have you met their friends? Yeah.. almost certainly if they were serious with you and not meeting any other people they’d show you off to their friends (unless there is a genuine reason)

7.       Cheaters tend to be well groom: all of my ex’s have been obsessed with how their hair looks! One generally used more hair spray than me

8.       Presumably they we’re already in another relationship when they started texting/talking/dating you. You we’re probably unaware but if you ever find this out once again my advice to you is to


9.       You feel as though they are hiding something – you can't explain it and you are just probably being paranoid right? If you feel that way – ask. You will know from their response if they are lying or not just by facial expression.. 

But there must have been a reason why you clicked on this post eh?

I am aware that all of these can be common, and some sound silly but these are just characteristics which I noticed between my ex’s, if you've got more than four then maybe it’s time you and your partner had a chat.