Monday 8 February 2016

January Favourites | 2016 ❤

Hi guys, So I've been really rubbish with my posting lately - It's been a month and so now February has arrived and my lack of posting this month has been horrendous! So what did I think was a good idea to try and redeem myself? Oh and does it continue on from my last post? Hell yeah it does. So what does it include? To update you with my beauty habits and what I was really pleased with this past month! ❤ 

1. L'oreal Paris Infallible Matte Foundation:

Before using this, I was originally wearing 'Rimmel True Match Foundation' which is great for a sort of base but it didn't really give me that great of coverage and considering it was January and exams were popping up everywhere well so was my spots which actually made me stress then created more spots! So, I asked a really good friend of mine what foundation she started using or any recommendation, so she recommended me this and I can honestly say, Hand on Heart this has been the best foundation (for me personally) to get an almost identical match to my skin colour (I use Number 120) and to actually cover my spots and the best part about it, it's that it spreads so easily - you can buy this product for roughly seven to eight pounds! 

2. MUA Elysium Elements: 

Considering this is a product which I bought on a whim (not something I do majority of the time) but in the January Sale it went from £8 to £4 and I cannot resist a bargain, I was so attracted to the colours that I just could not say no and I'm so pleased that I didn't. I absolutely adore the colour of the shades - so neutral and down to earth colours. However, when I bought the product I had no prior knowledge about it, So when I went home I tried to find Youtube videos on eye-make up using this Palette, Sadly I didn't find much, Although I did find a video saying how this can be sort of used as a dupe for the 'Naked Eye Palette 3'. Also, I love the pencil Eyeliners which came with it - they actually stay on my waterline, so that's a plus! 

3. I Heart Makeup Blushing Hearts, Blusher:

 Now, before this I have never been one to wear Blusher - I usually have enough colour in my cheeks to last me and admittedly, I was originally attracted to it's packaging, look how small and cute it is, I adore it! But since it's been January, my skin has been looking a lot less lively and the colours of my face has been well sort of disappearing up until I started using this product! I love the colours it brings to my cheeks and it's just a nice subtle colouring in my opinion, also did I mention it cost under 5 pounds? Oh and that I think the packaging is awesome? 

4. Sleek Eyebrow Pencil:

Up until a month ago, I had no idea how to even shape and draw my eyebrows on properly (even now I'm not 100% sure I know to now) but after talking to my housemate about how I wanted to start filling in my eyebrows more and adding shape to them, She recommended this, So I went to Superdrug the next day and purchased this item. At first I was umming and arring about what shade to get, so in the end I ended up getting a medium - This turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made or maybe you could argue the worst because now I cannot go a day without drawing my eyebrows on - it has a brush and you can shape your eyebrows this way - depending on where you can usually buy this for roughly £3 and it's totally worth the investment! 

Friday 8 January 2016

Today, I listened To The Internet…

If any of you know me or follow me on Twitter then you are well aware that I hate being girly and one thing which I am incredibly bad at doing is putting on make-up and being in fashion. It’s not that I find anything wrong with being all girly is just that I majorly suck at it. You see, my mum was not particularly interested in make-up or clothes and I guess that rubbed on to me. However, since coming to uni and constantly being around pretty girls and having best friends which are MUA artist and I can barely just put eyeshadow on, it got me thinking how would I fit in according to the internet?

My Face Shape:

The first thing I needed to do was find out my face shape. Now I personally found it difficult to just look at a picture and think ‘oo that’s my face shape’ (even though I tried). In the end I googled ‘How to find out your face shape’ So I clicked on videos and I found out using this video ( ) That I was a heart shape face... So what did that exactly mean? Well it turns out finding out your face shape helps determine which hairstyle suits you, how to contour your face (where to highlight and darken) and also what shape eyebrows are meant to go with your face.. What a delight.
Hairstyles included:-
o   Long Bangs to draw focus away from the chin
o   ‘The Lob’ – which should help soften the jawline
o   Deep Side Part – I’m not 100% sure why but google told me so..  And there were so many many more!
Contouring Chart:-

So as you can see for me, I would have to put the shadow around the edges of my face and highlight my chin and forehead and then blend it for the best result for my face shape.

Eyebrow Chart:

Looking at this particular chart for my eyebrows, they look like semi circles to me! So I’ll be drawing my semi circles on my heart shaped face! Jeez and to think I found all this out just by finding out my face shape! Now let’s take a look on what I have to learn and do for my eyes!

My Eye Shape:

According to vogue magazine, the way in which your eye is shaped should control the way you do your eye makeup. Now when I googled images on eye shapes I literally could not tell the difference between them all.

So youtube, (you little star) was my next bet and there were tons of videos on how to find out your eye shape but even then I got confused – so in the end I asked a friend too look and tell me what shape eye was I? Turns out I have a ‘deep set’ eyes
GREAT... UH SO What does that mean precisely? So after watching loads of videos (and I mean loads) I basically learnt a couple of eye makeup tips:-
1)      I need to conceal those dark circles under my eyes!
2)      Then I need to apply the lightest shade all over my eyelids – it makes my eyes look brighter and also covers the ‘deepness’ of my eyes!
3)    This one is apparently the most important – put the medium shade colour inside the corner of the eye – this draws attention to my eye colour and not how deep they are!
4)      And then on the outside corners apply a dark colour.
5)      Oh if my eyebrows aren’t on my ‘A’ game then doing my eye makeup is pointless- thank god I found out how to do this along with my face shape – crisis averted
6)      Eyeliner – apparently overloading my eyes with it will make them look small, so the best thing to do is apply a thin amount and then slightly thicken on the outer corner and to also apply it on the waterline to make it really pop!
7)      Never ever ever ever darken the crease
8)      Draw attention somewhere else – such as your lips!
9)      False eyelashes are basically essential to carrying on with the day – unless if you’re unlike me and have naturally long eyelashes which putting mascara on them makes them look amazing!
10)   Lastly, apply light bright colours.

So here’s a picture of my face with my fatal attempt of styling my hair, eyebrows and contouring for a heart shaped face and also an attemption of the right makeup according to the ‘experts’:
Contour: Collection 
Hair: flicking in towards my hair 'not to emphasis my jawline'
Eyes: Thin Eyeliner, Mascara and Light Eyeshadow - Red lips to draw attention away from eyes

My Body Shape:

So the next and last thing I could be bothered to learn was about my body shape. So using the body shape calculator, I learned that I was a ‘pear’ shaped girl which means that my hips are bigger than my bust.
 So, being the amazing researcher I am..Once again I found out how I am supposed to dress according to my shape. According to ‘Shopyoutshape’ I should try and create the illusion that I have a bigger (upper waist) and to make it look like I have a smaller..bottom half shall I say? That way I can balance my body out to fit the ‘perfect body’ stereotype.

Top tips for how Pear shaped women should dress include:-
  •   Wear tops with fitted wasted
  •   Bright colours and Bold Pattern tops
  •   Dark colours on bottoms
  •   Avoid bold trousers or skirts – stick to plane
  •   V or U neck tops
  •   Straight Jeans or A-Line Skirts
  •   Off the shoulder tops

And then here is my attemption of me conforming to the internet’s advice: 

So here:bright colour top which is tight in waist and off the shoulder and a dark skirt. 

I really hope this has helped any girl to find the best way for you..

Wednesday 6 January 2016

My Pay Day Wish List:

As many of you may know by now I’m a student and even though I have a job which I do love doing, sadly, just as the case of many other students... My student loan just about pay my rent and doesn't pay for my food or my 'party' lifestyle. So my earnings have to go on practical things (*cry cry*) such as food and toilet paper. So what would I buy if I could just spend them on what I want?

Reading festival ticket: (£210) Have you seen how insane this year’s line-up is? And that's only a small fraction of it! Plus, I have actually never been to a festival and I feel like I need to go to one soon, so I mean do you really blame me for wanting to go? Sadly.. I will never be able to afford it on my wages.

Naked 2 Palette: (£38) Just look how beautiful the colours are and I have been itching to buy one of these for over a year. I always think ‘Maybe one day I’ll pluck up the courage and buy one’ but I never do. Maybe one day eh?

Mac Lipstick – Ruby Woo : (£15.50) In all honesty I was never originally a fan off Mac Lipstick, I thought it was over-hyped until about August when one of my work colleagues was obsessed with Mac Lipsticks. It made me second guess them and seeing how gorgeous the colour was and how it lasted her the whole shift, well fair to say it made me a teeny wee bit jealous and who doesn’t love wearing bright red lipstick on a night out?

Spa Day- (£70): Which includes a choice of any one hour spa treatment – a heated outdoor pool! A sauna. A steam room, Hot tub and two course meals (however is a set menu.. but you do get a glass of Prosecco… interesting). I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s still feeling the stress of Christmas time and plus for any students with exams around the corner, this just seems like a perfect way to relax but instead I’ll probably spend about £20 on a night out in Bristol getting way too drunk trying to forget about the worries of being a student.

Green Harrington Jacket (£40): It’s a bit of an odd one, most people tend to go for the black or the navy one but I absolutely adore this green jacket and and and and andIT’S VINTAGE!

And Lastly, Pandora Ring (£70): It’s a bit of a soppy reason why I want this particular ring but my nan had this weird strange obsession with butterflies, literally everything she owned followed that pattern (butterfly towels, broaches etc.) And just look how beautiful and how delicate the ring actually is. It’s so petite and maybe one day I will buy it, but who knows?

So if anyone has an extra £443.50 and were willing to share, that would be great! Unfortunately I guess for now, I will have to keep on wishing :( .

Thursday 15 October 2015

Dealing With A Break Up

So we’ve all been there where we’ve had our heartbroken. When the relationship where you thought you’d be together forever or a lot longer than what you did at least! And hey, it’s pretty sucky when it ends.

Recently, one of my close friends has lost his girlfriend after a few years and all he has done is asked ‘How do you get over it as soon as possible?’ and well I guess there is no real answer to this question.. Time is a healer but there are so many ways to deal with it.

The way I deal with it, will not help everyone – but hey ho it may help someone!

Firstly I get angry, I get mad that I wasted so much time on one human being (this may not be the healthiest start but it’s an initial reaction which I can’t help. And it’s ok to get mad) then I cry and reflect on the good things. Stupid stuff about how we first met, when we first kissed etc.

Then I get hurt – some people may write a list, some people may write a diary – I personally create a mind map of everything, everything which hurt and everything which was good and then I rip it up. I accept that it’s over and that it’s gone – and as sad as that is I move on.

I then block the person (this isn’t a fixed thing normally). It all depends why we broke up. But I avoid speaking to the person until I’m ready- It’s better to keep a distance. I spend most of my alone time mailing my friends about my love for food or just send ugly snapchats to my friends, then eventually I leave my house and socialise – Although sometimes I may just watch romcoms and eat Ben and Jerry's.

My recommendation is after a relationship don’t go out and get drunk to not think about it because at 2am you’ll end up ringing the idiot asking where it all went wrong. (I have seen way to many of my friends do this- and sleeping with a random stranger doesn’t help either – So I have been told anyway)

Then after a while, accept that you two won’t get back together and that is ok. Because for a short while – you were happy and so was the other person and sometimes some people never get to be that happy. Then appreciate all the good times you had together but don’t go back. You ended for a reason. But it’s ok to be sad,angry and hurt but you have to allow yourself to move on to be happy. 

Saturday 29 August 2015

20 Reasons Why ENFP Sucks

Have you ever wondered who you are? Recently, I’ve been feeling confused about life (happy thoughts I know) and I found it extremely difficult to know who I was without my labels. It’s been like I’ve been living the past few months in a trance. 

So I ended up spending my night on a personality test – now yes I am aware this doesn’t give me a whole load of answers but it definitely made me feel better, I’m not saying I now know who I am but I feel like there’s an explanation or some kind of understanding I now have with myself.

 Carl Jung created a theory about personality and there are 16 different types –  The first condition being Extraversion vs Introversion, the second is Sensing vs Intuition, the third is Thinking vs Feeling and lastly, Judging vs Perceiving.  In this psychological test I scored a ENFP characteristic trait.

So what does that mean? – Extraversion –Engaging with people, Intuition – perceiving new potential, Feelings – making choices based on my subject values/core beliefs and perception – which means I have a flexible life style (apparently). According to Wikipedia, characteristics with this personality trait such as being curious, easily bored, spontaneous, risk-takers, understanding and very emotional. 

Which does sound like me, then I read more about what I’m “supposedly” like in a relationship and what I’m like in a job and how I handle stress and so on.

I can tell you, there are so many advantages of having a ENFP personality trait but I am going to list you 20 reasons why it also sucks:
  1.        Having so many theories and idea’s and plans which you never follow through cause you’re completely unorganised!
  2.        Wanting to experience everything but being so impatient you just want to do it immediately
  3.        Never being 100% happy with everything because you keep contradicting yourself
  4.        Utterly  freaking out your friends and family because of how much you stress when things don’t match up to the plan in your head
  5.        People constantly accusing you of flirting
  6.        Shocking people about how strong your beliefs are because majority of time you are easy going
  7.        Getting bored 1000000000 times quicker than the average human being
  8.        Constantly sticking with bad relationships (not just partners) because you can see how things COULD be and you focus on that and not really focus on what things are like in reality
  9.        Forever forgetting to eat or get the right amount of sleep because eh who cares about your physical needs?
  10.   Wanting to be in social situations and meet people but also being very socially conscious!
  11.    For always working towards the goal of the ‘ideal self’ and not just being happy with who you are right this instant
  12.    Frequently being so impatient that if the bus is two minutes late then uh-oh!
  13.   Needing more alone time compared to other Extroverts but then getting bored after so much time
  14.     Being more than happy to get into a long distance relationship because the idea of the concept of love but not looking at the long term goal in things – so tends to go south!
  15.      When you’re relationship goes wrong, you forget that it’s a mutual thing and you tend to keep questioning why things went wrong and what would happen differently!
  16. Being accused that you're on drugs when you're not!
  17. Talking to yourself out loud because there is so much going on in your head you need to separate it.
  18. 99.99999% of the time you hate being told what to do!
  19. During some point in the week, you forget all social media/networks/mobile phones and switch of from the world. Sometimes you may not text anyone back for a few days! 
  20.    You hate being criticized and cannot stand it if someone else is being criticising to another person

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Cheers Amiga

I’m not the type of person to admit my feelings, like feelings are yucky. But lately, I’ve been feeling rather low and isolated and just been rubbish to be around. Sometimes when I get like that (well I’m sure we all feel like that sometimes)  I just feel like I annoy people, so I stop contact with people mostly cause I just feel annoying to be around or I like to see who actually cares and will bother to text or message me. Anyway, the past few days even when shit was going on something pretty sweet happened which made me not want to give up on humanity.
I received a DM of one of my twitter followers and it honestly made my day when I read what was said. I felt like crap and the fact that someone took the time out of the day to send this to me:-

Maybe it sounds dull that someone who I don't know manage to make my day go from a zero to a ten. But it was definitely needed, so to the person who messaged me this. Thank you so so so much for taking time out of your day to make sure I was ok and to tell me that I am important. Thank you for paying attention to a tweet which I didn't think anyone would even care about. And thank you for being a kind person and saying something and making me feel worth something again. - He/She was totally write though, I so would of kicked off about those memes! 

Friday 14 August 2015

The Calm App

You may or may have not heard of it, but it’s an app you can download on your smart/ IPhone which teaches you how to clear your mind through meditation- which I think is pretty cool. So when you first register, you receive four different scenes. Personally, I choose the beach one mostly because going to the beach is one of my favourite things and plus the rain sound one just made me want to go to the toilet loads.  However there are twenty-three different scenes you can download as well.

 Anyway, I'm only doing the first the first 21 days because after that you have to start paying roughly £7.00 a month and even though I think the app is good – I do not want to pay that much however the benefits does seem lovely.  (Mediations specifically for things like deep sleep or confidence or even compassion.) Although on the 21 days programme it does give me an alarm to do my two minute sessions which I think is useful because I am rubbish at remembering things!

Now what does calm even do? Well you can Select between a 2, 10, or 20 minute periods and A speaker then walks you through getting comfortable by telling you to close your eyes, relax your shoulders, focus on your chest, notice sensation and to concentrate on your breathing – it use to make me feel dizzy at first but the more I did it, the better it got; also it tells you off when your mind starts wondering! I kid, it just tells you its ok and to focus back on your breathing and to let those thoughts float away!

Benefits of calm for me personally? So far, I feel less stressed and my concentration has improved. Since doing this, I stop panicking about the little things as much and letting my mind wonder in to dangerous territory – and the way I think about other people’s opinions… Well yeah that’s changed too. However, these weren't drastic change and they have taken time. So my recommendation is that you download this app for the free part – I have been told there is not much difference when you pay but it’s definitely worth ago!