Thursday, 15 October 2015

Dealing With A Break Up

So we’ve all been there where we’ve had our heartbroken. When the relationship where you thought you’d be together forever or a lot longer than what you did at least! And hey, it’s pretty sucky when it ends.

Recently, one of my close friends has lost his girlfriend after a few years and all he has done is asked ‘How do you get over it as soon as possible?’ and well I guess there is no real answer to this question.. Time is a healer but there are so many ways to deal with it.

The way I deal with it, will not help everyone – but hey ho it may help someone!

Firstly I get angry, I get mad that I wasted so much time on one human being (this may not be the healthiest start but it’s an initial reaction which I can’t help. And it’s ok to get mad) then I cry and reflect on the good things. Stupid stuff about how we first met, when we first kissed etc.

Then I get hurt – some people may write a list, some people may write a diary – I personally create a mind map of everything, everything which hurt and everything which was good and then I rip it up. I accept that it’s over and that it’s gone – and as sad as that is I move on.

I then block the person (this isn’t a fixed thing normally). It all depends why we broke up. But I avoid speaking to the person until I’m ready- It’s better to keep a distance. I spend most of my alone time mailing my friends about my love for food or just send ugly snapchats to my friends, then eventually I leave my house and socialise – Although sometimes I may just watch romcoms and eat Ben and Jerry's.

My recommendation is after a relationship don’t go out and get drunk to not think about it because at 2am you’ll end up ringing the idiot asking where it all went wrong. (I have seen way to many of my friends do this- and sleeping with a random stranger doesn’t help either – So I have been told anyway)

Then after a while, accept that you two won’t get back together and that is ok. Because for a short while – you were happy and so was the other person and sometimes some people never get to be that happy. Then appreciate all the good times you had together but don’t go back. You ended for a reason. But it’s ok to be sad,angry and hurt but you have to allow yourself to move on to be happy. 

Saturday, 29 August 2015

20 Reasons Why ENFP Sucks

Have you ever wondered who you are? Recently, I’ve been feeling confused about life (happy thoughts I know) and I found it extremely difficult to know who I was without my labels. It’s been like I’ve been living the past few months in a trance. 

So I ended up spending my night on a personality test – now yes I am aware this doesn’t give me a whole load of answers but it definitely made me feel better, I’m not saying I now know who I am but I feel like there’s an explanation or some kind of understanding I now have with myself.

 Carl Jung created a theory about personality and there are 16 different types –  The first condition being Extraversion vs Introversion, the second is Sensing vs Intuition, the third is Thinking vs Feeling and lastly, Judging vs Perceiving.  In this psychological test I scored a ENFP characteristic trait.

So what does that mean? – Extraversion –Engaging with people, Intuition – perceiving new potential, Feelings – making choices based on my subject values/core beliefs and perception – which means I have a flexible life style (apparently). According to Wikipedia, characteristics with this personality trait such as being curious, easily bored, spontaneous, risk-takers, understanding and very emotional. 

Which does sound like me, then I read more about what I’m “supposedly” like in a relationship and what I’m like in a job and how I handle stress and so on.

I can tell you, there are so many advantages of having a ENFP personality trait but I am going to list you 20 reasons why it also sucks:
  1.        Having so many theories and idea’s and plans which you never follow through cause you’re completely unorganised!
  2.        Wanting to experience everything but being so impatient you just want to do it immediately
  3.        Never being 100% happy with everything because you keep contradicting yourself
  4.        Utterly  freaking out your friends and family because of how much you stress when things don’t match up to the plan in your head
  5.        People constantly accusing you of flirting
  6.        Shocking people about how strong your beliefs are because majority of time you are easy going
  7.        Getting bored 1000000000 times quicker than the average human being
  8.        Constantly sticking with bad relationships (not just partners) because you can see how things COULD be and you focus on that and not really focus on what things are like in reality
  9.        Forever forgetting to eat or get the right amount of sleep because eh who cares about your physical needs?
  10.   Wanting to be in social situations and meet people but also being very socially conscious!
  11.    For always working towards the goal of the ‘ideal self’ and not just being happy with who you are right this instant
  12.    Frequently being so impatient that if the bus is two minutes late then uh-oh!
  13.   Needing more alone time compared to other Extroverts but then getting bored after so much time
  14.     Being more than happy to get into a long distance relationship because the idea of the concept of love but not looking at the long term goal in things – so tends to go south!
  15.      When you’re relationship goes wrong, you forget that it’s a mutual thing and you tend to keep questioning why things went wrong and what would happen differently!
  16. Being accused that you're on drugs when you're not!
  17. Talking to yourself out loud because there is so much going on in your head you need to separate it.
  18. 99.99999% of the time you hate being told what to do!
  19. During some point in the week, you forget all social media/networks/mobile phones and switch of from the world. Sometimes you may not text anyone back for a few days! 
  20.    You hate being criticized and cannot stand it if someone else is being criticising to another person

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Cheers Amiga

I’m not the type of person to admit my feelings, like feelings are yucky. But lately, I’ve been feeling rather low and isolated and just been rubbish to be around. Sometimes when I get like that (well I’m sure we all feel like that sometimes)  I just feel like I annoy people, so I stop contact with people mostly cause I just feel annoying to be around or I like to see who actually cares and will bother to text or message me. Anyway, the past few days even when shit was going on something pretty sweet happened which made me not want to give up on humanity.
I received a DM of one of my twitter followers and it honestly made my day when I read what was said. I felt like crap and the fact that someone took the time out of the day to send this to me:-

Maybe it sounds dull that someone who I don't know manage to make my day go from a zero to a ten. But it was definitely needed, so to the person who messaged me this. Thank you so so so much for taking time out of your day to make sure I was ok and to tell me that I am important. Thank you for paying attention to a tweet which I didn't think anyone would even care about. And thank you for being a kind person and saying something and making me feel worth something again. - He/She was totally write though, I so would of kicked off about those memes! 

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Calm App

You may or may have not heard of it, but it’s an app you can download on your smart/ IPhone which teaches you how to clear your mind through meditation- which I think is pretty cool. So when you first register, you receive four different scenes. Personally, I choose the beach one mostly because going to the beach is one of my favourite things and plus the rain sound one just made me want to go to the toilet loads.  However there are twenty-three different scenes you can download as well.

 Anyway, I'm only doing the first the first 21 days because after that you have to start paying roughly £7.00 a month and even though I think the app is good – I do not want to pay that much however the benefits does seem lovely.  (Mediations specifically for things like deep sleep or confidence or even compassion.) Although on the 21 days programme it does give me an alarm to do my two minute sessions which I think is useful because I am rubbish at remembering things!

Now what does calm even do? Well you can Select between a 2, 10, or 20 minute periods and A speaker then walks you through getting comfortable by telling you to close your eyes, relax your shoulders, focus on your chest, notice sensation and to concentrate on your breathing – it use to make me feel dizzy at first but the more I did it, the better it got; also it tells you off when your mind starts wondering! I kid, it just tells you its ok and to focus back on your breathing and to let those thoughts float away!

Benefits of calm for me personally? So far, I feel less stressed and my concentration has improved. Since doing this, I stop panicking about the little things as much and letting my mind wonder in to dangerous territory – and the way I think about other people’s opinions… Well yeah that’s changed too. However, these weren't drastic change and they have taken time. So my recommendation is that you download this app for the free part – I have been told there is not much difference when you pay but it’s definitely worth ago!

Friday, 7 August 2015

It's 3am: So Let's Answer Some Questions!

  1. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? I have been called that yes by a few guys and girls however they were probably saying it too about 20 other girls so you know
  2. What song is stuck in your head? Are you with me and Cheerleader 
  3.  Wanna have kids before you're 30? I honestly have no idea anymore, the thought of having a baby absolutely terrifies me and I want to travel the world but if I can do all that before thirty then maybe but I can't see that happening.
  4.  Name something you have to do tomorrow? Go to Cardiff in the evening
  5. Can you whistle? Unfortunately no, my many attempts of wolf whistling has failed immensely 
  6.  Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? My side
  7.  Are your eyes the same colour as your mom's or dad's? My Mums mainly but I have heard that sometimes they can look like my dads and considering he has green eyes and I have blue eyes, well that is crazy.
  8.  Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes
  9.  Do you smile a lot? I use too so much when I was younger, I try to now but I think my face mostly looks miserable so no.
  10.  Are you happy with your life? I know that my life could be worse than what it is but nope, I have too many dreams and goals to try and achieve before I will be happy with it.
  11. Can you handle the truth? When people actually tell me the truth then yes, If I find out of other people then no.
  12.  Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday? My sleep is more up and down than a kangaroo on a trampoline, somedays I can get 12 hours and the next I can get 3 
  13. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Eating chocolate
  14. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Aaron
  15.  Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, just last month I had purple hair!
  16. Are you an emotional person? Well you know, I am a Cancer...  
  17.  What's something that can always make you feel better? I want to be sarcastic and say drugs but I know not everyone would find that amusing, probably my sad really
  18.  Look behind you, what do you see? A white wall
  19.  Any summer plans for 2015? I have pride if that counts as something?
  20.  What was the last thing you drank? Water
  21.  What did you do last night? I went to a spiritualist, Had a message of my dead nan so you know the usual stuff really.
  22.  Who was the last person to text you? George
  23. How many pillows do you normally sleep with? One
  24.  What kind of music do you listen to? A variety
  25.  Have you ever been in a car, that was not family? Yes!
  26.  Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? I have indeed and then I ended up hating them again
  27. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Last Summer
  28.  Are you a bad influence? I have been told that I am but I can't be that bad?
  29.  Ever slapped a guy in the face? Maybe you should talk to my ex's .. 
  30. Has someone ever given you roses? Yes
  31. Does anyone hate you? I wouldn't be shocked if they did
  32. Do you think two people can be in love with each other forever? Forever is an awfully long time, can I argue that they would probably love each other for the rest of their life? I don't think that feeling you had for that person would truly go away no.
  33.  Would you ever get a tattoo? Yes, I want so many!!!!!
  34. Are you comfortable with your height? Not at all, I would love to be taller. I mean I struggle to see things all the time because of it.
  35. What do you say during awkward silences? "So....."

Sunday, 2 August 2015

A Guide To Spot A Cheater

Do you ever sometimes sit back and consider the past? And think what the hell was I doing and why do I let people make me feel a certain way? Most of you who don’t know me – or at least not very well will know I am an absolute sucker when it comes to having a happy ending. 

Or I try to be one of these girls but time after time after time I start seeing guys and well put it nicely they’ve all cheated on me (boohoo I’m over that part). Now thinking about it the signs are all there and let me share what I’ve learnt to pick up certain characteristics of a cheater! (Not all will apply but this is just the common things I have noticed in my involvements:-

1.       They tend to not care about your feelings and will give you vague answers to your questions. For example, “what have you been up too today?” “Ah nothing”

2.       Usually they are secretive about what they are doing and how they are spending their time etc.

3.       Do they text or call anyone in front of you? Where you can see their screens? – THIS ISN'T necessarily a huge sign and I respect privacy but if they walk away from you or only open their text’s in the bathroom then yeah.. ask..

4.       Most likely they will tell you what you want to hear – false promises the lot! “I’m only seeing you” or “I’ll buy you that”

5.       If they've cheated in their past relationships – uhh very likely they will cheat again. My advice,


6.       Have you met their friends? Yeah.. almost certainly if they were serious with you and not meeting any other people they’d show you off to their friends (unless there is a genuine reason)

7.       Cheaters tend to be well groom: all of my ex’s have been obsessed with how their hair looks! One generally used more hair spray than me

8.       Presumably they we’re already in another relationship when they started texting/talking/dating you. You we’re probably unaware but if you ever find this out once again my advice to you is to


9.       You feel as though they are hiding something – you can't explain it and you are just probably being paranoid right? If you feel that way – ask. You will know from their response if they are lying or not just by facial expression.. 

But there must have been a reason why you clicked on this post eh?

I am aware that all of these can be common, and some sound silly but these are just characteristics which I noticed between my ex’s, if you've got more than four then maybe it’s time you and your partner had a chat. 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

To the Guy who shouts "Gay Tw*t"

If any of you know me or anything about me you may be aware that a lot of my best friends are either bi or gay, we are in the year 2015 and my best friends still get grief for the sexuality receiving comments such as “you are a gay twat” or “your kind disgust me”. 

Heck, the other day some boys was giving my friend hate for their sexuality and in the end I turned around and said my best friend was my boyfriend – Like my best friend had to feel ashamed for his identity and hide it just to get some peace to walk down the street! 

My other best friend who is a lesbian -  tends to get " Hey, you're too pretty to be a lesbian" like what?

Now I am aware that not everyone is accepting, I am aware people feel disgusted in the idea of two sex’s being with each other whether its cultural views or religious views but I am also aware that people who read this will also think “What on earth? How can people be so cruel, that is so sad?”

Which I do agree with, I don’t understand why people need to voice so negative opinions. 

Now, for people who are reading this and are homophobic – I am not ranting at you for being bad people or whatever, you have every right to your opinion and just because it doesn’t collaborate with mine doesn’t necessarily mean that I think your horrible, think what you want to think BUT to make a human being feel shit for something is a part of them, well it’s wrong - verbalising your hatred is something entirely different. 

If you we’re made to be felt shit by something you are (whether it be skin colour or eye colour or even if you had a physical or mental illness) and you we’re being made to feel like walking down the street was actually a hassle because of it, then wouldn’t you feel like absolute rubbish? – Hey some people totally rock the hate they get and that’s pretty cool but doesn’t mean they should still get it.

If you know this about me, then I study psychology and sociology and I needed to find out why people are homophobic. And if you haven’t heard of Freud, well my friend you are in for a treat! If you have ever heard of Oedipus complex or the Greek Myth then you may see where this is going. However, if you don’t this is just a simple explanation of his theory – Freud believed that as a child there are five stages for your personality to develop all depending on your age is depending on each stage. The stages are in ascending order: Oral, Anal, Philliac, Latency and Genital.

 If a child has too much or too little of a stage they become fixated – for example, the anal stage occurs when you are around 18 months to three years old if you have indulged then whilst you're an adult you become an anal retentive which featured characteristics such as wanting to have things immaculate. Anyway – Freud said at the Philiac stage boys develop unconscious sexual wishes for their mother, he then becomes rivals with his father and sees him as competition for the mother’s affection.

 During this time, boys also develop a fear that their father will punish them for these feelings, such as by castrating them. The boy then identifies with his father By and by doing so the boy develops masculine characteristics and identifies himself as a male, and represses his sexual feelings toward his mother. A fixation at this stage could result in sexual deviances (both overindulging and avoidance). 

Kuyper develops Freud's theory and says that homophobia is the result of the bits and pieces homosexuality in the heterosexual resolution of the oedipal conflict. Whereas these notions are vague, psychoanalytic theories usually postulate that homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges.

 However, they are unaware of the urges but they are conflicted which then explains the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes displayed by some individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses.

Whilst researching I found a study which absolutely fascinated me! It was done by Henry E. Adams, Lester W. Wright, Jr., and Bethany A. Lohr who wanted to know if Homophobia Associated With Homosexual Arousal. And what did they find? That non-homophobic people wasn't turned on by the gay porn however the homophobic ones were and showed a dramatic response verbally whilst watching it – obviously there may have been flaws in the study but come on that is pretty interesting! I recommend you give it a read when you have spare time on your hands! 

Now, for the idiot who gave abuse to my best friend for his sexuality – you may want to take a good look at your own life and realise why you had to say what you said and how horrible it is to make an individual feel that way. Maybe you are going through hell and back, I don’t know your life story but there was no need to take it out on my friend. Maybe you are struggling with yourself.

Once again I don’t know but think next time when you open your mouth how much it can affect someone. 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Heart Over Head

Recently, I've witnessed a lot of coming out stories of domestic abuse and I have been envious on how much courage these women and men have shown– so here’s my story.
I was fourteen and I started seeing a guy who was three years older than me, now for most people that is a warning sign about the guy. Admittedly, Even I was sceptical about seeing someone older than me at that age. Mostly because we we’re at very different points in our life but nonetheless I got into that relationship thinking that I was mature enough to handle it but it turns out I wasn’t.
Now, I feel like a total cliché. Have you heard how this goes? Long story short. Younger naïve Girl and Older manipulative boy does not mix well. The first three months of the relationship was amazing. I felt happy, then things turned dark pretty quickly.
See, if you meet this guy. You wouldn’t think he would even be capable of harming a fly. He puts on this persona where he’s a bubbly, kind man. Obviously, I fell for it. And for anyone who I know reading this, I am still terrified that you wouldn’t believe it.
Four months in to the relationship, he crossed a boundary which should have been my warning sign to get out of the relationship. I should have left then, but I didn’t. It was my own fault. Or was it? It’s easy for someone who hasn’t been in the position to sit there and judge – but when you love someone or at least you think you do. You forgive and make idiotic mistakes. You hope that things will be different but you also feel responsible for the other person’s actions. You feel like you are to blame.
After a year of being with him, he said he had depression which is why he has been acting off. Now something I have learnt is that even when you have depression – you do not use your depression to act like an utter asshole to anyone especially to someone you are supposedly be in-love with. So when he was being aggressive, it was due to his ‘depression’ and the fact I was ‘putting’ him into a state. I was to blame, so I felt the constant need to try and make him happy but most of the time I felt threatened that he would do something silly if I had left him.
Majority of the time, I began to feel humiliated. He told random girls that I was a psycho (maybe I am now adding evidence for writing this post in his eyes – but this is about raising awareness not an excuse for me to ‘play the victim’). I found out he cheated on me (let me guess I should of left then? But nope) and it tore down any self-confidence I had in myself which as you can tell I had low self-esteem otherwise I wouldn't have stayed in the relationship for as long as I did. He used to make comments about my body (negative ones), he compared me to other girls, asking me to be more like "her" or "her" and I didn’t feel good enough.  I just believed all his criticism but now when I look back at it, if I was really that bad why would he have even wanted to be with me? It was just away to make me feel trapped. I honestly thought that I was the 'lucky' one to have someone to want me.
In my relationship, I didn’t realise it was classed as being ‘abusive’. I thought it was normal. I thought that his possessiveness was just a sign of his passion and I felt that I needed him. If you are reading this and you feel that your partner isn’t treating you right or that something is missing or odd. Please, I encourage you to talk to someone. I took it for more than two years, many men and women have taking it for a lot longer. But you don’t deserve it- nobody does and no matter how much you believe you do. Do not be with someone who possess, intimates and threatens you. Be happy with yourself first, than be with someone who doesn't treat you right. Then when you do eventually find someone, they will treat you how you should be treated. Now I know it's hard to ignore what your heart says, trust me I wouldn't do it for so long. But at the time the relationship was hard to leave but I did it and it was one of the best things I have ever done.

Monday, 6 July 2015

My Weekend Consisted Of..

Last weekend, I finally watched 'Good Will Hunting' – If you haven't seen it before or heard of it, it stars Robin Williams and it’s about a boy who is a genius but with his background and other issues he doesn’t reach his potential and then a professor recognises it and then he has to go to counselling sessions once a week as part of the deal. If you haven't seen it. I do highly recommend it.

In the film, you see that previous counsellors before Robin Williams was sat with a suit  and tie and looking down on him, trying to find quick solutions for him to become “fixed”. Now personally for me, I saw similar behaviours in my counselling sessions. Now I'm not saying that when I turned up at their office that they we’re sat there with a shirt and tie on and they thought they had the answers but I definitely felt that they we’re judging me and we’re quite patronising.

When I first went to counselling, I kind of expected the American film version (or the Freudian way) where you just sit on the couch and rant about everything, however it was nothing like that. I went in and had to fill in some questionnaire about how I was feeling – then the counsellor. This women I have never met expected me to open up to her straight away. Bearing in mind I was sixteen and I didn’t really want to be there but I also wanted to get better so I tried to cooperate my very best.

Now In CBT the whole point of it was to try and change the way you think about yourself. One exercise I had to list 10 things which I liked about myself which for someone who didn’t like anything about herself it was rather hard. I understand what they we’re trying to achieve, but for me  I was lying through my teeth. It was easy to say “I think I have nice eyes” or “I’m funny” but I didn’t believe those words, I didn’t believe anything like that. If anything I came out of that session worse. Altogether, I've had three different counsellors which isn’t really that bad compared to other people I know and A lot of people said that counselling is just bullshit but I don’t believe that’s the case. Even though for me counselling use to make me more upset, I realised that it was a safe place for me.

But, like Robin Williams was in Good Will Hunting – You have to be more of our equal than thinking you are better. I've had counsellors who have rolled their eyes at me, asked me why I was crying, called me unstable and said some really unhelpful things. Now really they shouldn't have said those things but they did but to say to someone with depression to just cheer up or someone with anxiety is your just being shy is complete and utter horse poop. If it was as easy for someone with depression to just “be happy” don’t you think we would? It’s easy to say on the outside just to do something but no-one would choose to live this kind of life if we had the choice, Others may have it worse than us but that doesn't solve our own problems.  

Friday, 26 June 2015

My First Year of Uni

Since I've seen a lot of people on my twitter newsfeed freaking out about results day. It made me reflect to this time last year and even though I cannot say much because what I was like this time last year was horrendous but as cliche as it sounds everything happens for a reason. 
So results day can go one of three ways - 1. YOU ARE MEGA FREAKING HAPPY 
                                                                   2. meh it's okay 
                                                                   3. FML 
Now, I didn't get in to my first choice of University (by one mark) but by results day I was just so relieved that I got into Uni I didn't care where I was - even though it turned out to be one of the best decisions (which wasn't actually my choice) of my entire life (so far). 
So anyway, I got in to my second choice and surly the people who didn't get in too this uni there would be room in halls right? nope wrong. So the day after results day, me and my dad started to panic because I never actually seen this uni! I just went of with what people told me (well that could have been a disaster!) anyway,whilst there I found out that all halls we're full and that I had to go to this event called 'House Hunting' which was so unbelievably stressful and sadly my parents had used their time off and couldn't come with me - on my own I went and to my surprise there were loads of students in my position. However something which school didn't prepare me for was how to interact with other people but luckily for me, I sat down by someone whilst filling my details in who was doing the same course as me! so we started to speak, then in the actual talk that they gave us they made us all interact. (What a life saver!) We formed a group quickly and then started to look for a house - we spent all day and let me tell you it was not easy and unbelievably stressful! Anyway, two of the girls dropped out and it became the three of us and we managed to get a house after two days. 

I can tell you now, school does not prepare you for your own house and how much money you have to pay before it. And it was so weird, however not living in halls had it's benefits. I actually had to talk to people in freshers and then tagged along to people's pre-drinks. I surprisingly made more friends living in a house than not - but this took time. In November/December time I became really down. I only lived with two other girls who travelled a lot to go back home or seeing their boyfriends. I used to hate coming home and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go on to my second year, I couldn't even be bothered to do my work. However, in one of my modules we had to do group work which meant I was interacting more with other students and then around February time after I came home from Christmas, Things got better because I got to know my course mates well and I started going out with them outside of uni and seeing more people! Me and one of my housemates started spending each night watching films and eating chocolate and unloading of each other. Things started to get better until my house contracted ended and I needed to move on from my house. 

Halls: So most people begin halls being in the same boat as each other, no-one knowing anyone. However me, I was intruding on these guys. I was absolutely terrified if they would hate me or well any negative feelings towards me! I moved in on the last day of February and for the first week, I hid as much as I could. Although you have to make food sometimes right? And that's when I started speaking to one of my flatmates who has now become one of my best friends in such a short time! after 4/5 days of having 20 minute conversation with her, whilst I had a few I knocked on her door and asked if she wanted to go to the SU that night - sadly she rejected me (owch) but then she asked me out on the Friday, which I am so glad I went out! Then came the next SU and I met someone from the flat opposite us, he then asked me to come out and I was going through stuff at the time so I was like "fuck it yeah" and that's where I met the males of my flat - however being the only girl out had it's benefits - FREE SHOTS! From then on in Easter time I was close to the boys and that one girl - then the next night I became close to the girls whilst having a film night and basically in a short amount of time living with these people - well they didn't treat me like an outsider, they were welcoming and now I am as close with them as I am with other people.

So If you're panicking about your results and worried about not getting into the 'right' uni. Trust me it may be the best thing that happens to you if you don't.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

But Kesha is just a Party animal right?

If you do know me then you realise I am a Kesha fan, it’s rare when I say this about an artist but she is one of my heroes. If you don’t like her music then that is fair enough. Personally I don't think that her talent is given any justice with her singles but her other songs have incredible meanings – her lyrics are one of the most feistiest but talented words I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. If you have never listened to the ‘Harold Song’ I recommend you should give it a listen.
However, it isn’t her music which inspires me although I do feel pretty badass when I listen to ‘thinking of you’ just because I relate to the lyrics myself and it fires me up! But what makes me adore Kesha is her bravery and her honesty about her position.
So, if you haven't heard Kesha is suing Dr Luke for sexual abuse and conduct. She suffered with bulimia which I don't think has enough attention on anyway. But she came out stronger and she supports her animals to do the same. Even in today’s society, girls tend to get the blame for ‘leading’ guys on. Now I can't say if Dr Luke did do this. But I am so proud that Kesha is fighting for herself, not even just for herself, for her animals – I highly doubt that She would lie, although nothing has been confirmed.

In her lyrics which she wrote herself, she encourages her fans to be warriors and to be loved for who they are and that no-one should tell them or anyone who you can or can’t be. It's put out there that no matter what shit you have dealt with, don't be a victim be a warrior which I think is a powerful message, that sometimes shit knocks you down then you get the fuck back up and bring it 10000 times harder. 
She is so strong and incredibly insightful and  encourages her fans to be colourful, creative and just to be happy.I hope she keeps making other people happy with her music but most of all I hope she continues to make herself happy.  

Monday, 8 June 2015

Top Four Lame Excuses Partners Use as an Excuse to Cheat.

Right, I am not down with people cheating on their loved ones. Cheating is selfish, cowardly and god damn hurtful. Yet, in today's society cheating is becoming more of a regular thing and sometimes the relationship can be fixed but on times but seriously if you're partner has used these lines on you. Seriously, get the fuck out of there and run. 

  1. "It just happened" - What even is this excuse? It's clear that it happened! But your partner made the conscious decision to do it behind your back! It's not exactly like the cheater woke up and was like "Oh shit how did I get here?". They thought about it and still done it anyway.                                                                                                            
  2.  "She/He came on to me" - Oh that's nice for you. Sorry that you we're forced into it and just you know, couldn't say no                                                                                                                                                                   
  3. "I was scared of our relationship"    - Basically using the commitment card is just a stupid one. If you're that scared then you leave the relationship because maybe you're not in the right one.                                                                                    
  4. "I'm just not the type for relationships"  - Oh here's an idea, maybe don't get in one or become exclusive with a person and let them know beforehand so they don't have to waste their time with you?                                                                                                                          

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Why is Disney Addictive?

Even now at the age of eighteen I get excited every time I hear there is a new film out and why is this? We've heard a lot of negative aspect of Disney and how they create unrealistic expectations for beauty in females and also for males. But come on, who didn’t enjoy Frozen the first time they watched it eh? Obviously Disney know who they are marketing their films too and they do it well!

1.      We love a happy ending!

As humans we are predictable human beings and for some reason we love the formula of beginning, middle and end = happy, something bad happens and then it all works out for the best in the end!

2.       The Music

Come on tell me you do not smile when you hear a Hakuna Mata? I mean ‘Let it Go’ was in the music chart for how long?! My thoughts exactly, the music is so god damn catchy that you just cannot help but sing along with it!

3.       The Characters

Disney creates loveable and powerful characters, even in their beginning with characters such as Mickey Mouse and even in today’s society with Elsa (Frozen) figures being plastered everywhere – seriously the amount of random stuff by eight year old cousin has with Elsa on it is scary!

4.       Disney Renaissance

This is a period of Disney where there films thrived for a ten year period! Giving us films such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Tarzan and The Lion King. I don’t know about you but I grew up with these films and I bet if I ever have children they will too! This gives us some nostalgia as it reminds us of the innocence of being a child.

5.       Talking Animals

This one sounds a little silly! I mean obviously you’re cat isn't going to start speaking to you but its fun. I mean how many times (if) you have a pet would you speak to it and imagine what it’s thinking about and feeling? C’mon why was the 100 Dalmatians so popular or lady and the tramp? It’s imaginative to see how animals think!

There are many criticism which come with Disney especially on how women we’re represented however even in older films there were feminist moments. For example, Mulan. I mean dude she saves China for Christ sake! Belle shows compassion and takes a stand to save her father from the beast! Ariel fought what she believed in and was brave enough to leave what she knew behind and adapt to a new environment!